Creating and Editing Courses
Video demonstration on using courses:
To create a course, start by creating any necessary component or nested recipes, if they have not been created already, see articles on creating and importing recipes.
Once your components have been entered, click the "+" button on the menu bar.
Click "add courses."
You will be taken to a new, blank course page. Add any necessary information ie. course title, finishing ingredients, description, etc.
When you are finished, click on the space "add recipe."
You'll see a window with all the recipes in your current business. You can also search for recipes in the search bar.
Find the desired recipes and click the green "+" button to add them to your course. You'll see them appear on the right side of the window.
When you click the green "+" button, you will see the component recipes appear on the right side of the window.
You can reorder the recipes by clicking and dragging on the icon with the 3 horizontal lines.
Once you are finished, click away from the side menu to close it and click "save"
You will see the component recipes have been added to your course. You can navigate to the recipes directly. You will now also see your new course on those recipes' occurrences section.
To edit an existing course, click the edit button.
To change the component recipes, click on the edit course button next to the component recipes.